Erhvervsaftale & Pant på termotønder

Når du som erhvervskunde køber isterninger eller knust is ved Is Til Fest, har du mulighed for at få en erhvervsaftale. Under denne erhvervsaftale får du mulighed for at få pengene retur for termotønder og låg, da du automatisk bliver en del af vores pantordning. Det vil sige at du får pant retur for termotønder og låg, når de leveres retur til et af vores lagre i henholdsvis Glostrup eller Åbyhøj.

Pantsatsen er som følger: 

Termotønde: 40 kr. ekskl. moms

Termolåg: 20 kr. ekskl. moms

Der er kun pant på vores termotønder m. låg. Der er ikke pant på 10kg termokasser, isskeer eller andre produkter. 

Ønsker du at få en erhvervsaftale, så kontakt os endelig på 

Hel og pæn stand

Vi forbeholder os retten til ikke at tilbagebetale pantbeløbet, hvis tønden/låget ikke er i hel og pæn stand. Det vil som udgangspunkt sige at flamingoen ikke må være i stykker, at der ikke er affald eller lignende i tønden og at tønden/låget ikke er beskidt. 

Vi gennemgår alle returtønder ved hver returnering.

Hvorfor vælge en erhvervsaftale og pantordning?

First of all, you save money on the ice cubes themselves. When returning thermos barrels and lids, you get the deposit back. Deposits are not possible for customers without a business agreement. 

In addition, you help to minimize the waste of resources by using fewer thermos barrels. It requires a lot of resources to produce Flamingo (EPS), which is why it also has a large environmental footprint on our planet. The flamingo’s resilience helps to ensure that it should be able to last a long time if it is treated properly. Therefore, we also find it natural that we recycle as much as possible. 

If you return your discarded thermal barrels to Is Til Fest, we ensure that the flamingo is disposed of so that it can be recycled by our supplier, so that it gets new life again and that we as a company leave as minimal an environmental footprint as possible. 

Returnering af termotønder med Pant

We always take thermos barrels back as long as you have a business account at Is Til Fest, where you are registered as a Pawn customer. We generally take thermos barrels back throughout the country, as well as fixed islands, as long as you as the customer pay for the transport yourself. You can see prices for transport here .

The barrel must bear an Is Til Fest pledge label for the pledge to be returned.

In Copenhagen (Postal code: 1000-2919) and Aarhus (Postal code: 8000-8290) you can return empty deposit thermo-barrels without additional charge when delivering a new order. 

If you want us to collect your empty thermos barrels without you wanting to place a new order, we are also happy to do this. Here you just have to send an email to for collection. Collection costs a collection fee, which is equivalent to having an order delivered with our transport company Mover Transport. You can see prices for transport with Mover Transport here .

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